Being a member of ALPA gives you access to a wide variety of important tools.


ALPA’s Financial and economic analysis, retirement and insurance, and communications departments assist in contract negotiations.

A Dedicated Legal Team

ALPA’s internal legal firm provides expert advice on contract negotiations, and represents pilots in the event of litigation.

Worldwide Accident Hotline

ALPA’s orange card provides immediate support from a full team of pilots and professionals in the event of an incident or accident.

High-Level Advocacy

ALPA advocates for the interests of pilots at the highest levels, including federal governments and international bodies, working for a safe and secure future for our profession.

Dedicated Committees

ALPA pilots are invited to participate in committees which work to improve our profession. A few examples are the flight time/duty time working group, pilot assistance committee, and accident investigation board.

Pilot-Specific Representation

ALPA has advocated exclusively for commercial pilots and their needs since its establishment in 1931. It is an organization of pilots, led by pilots, working for pilots.