A Deep Dive Into ALPA

Welcome to your Organizing Committee’s second blog post!


A bit of background on your Organizing Committee (OC): We are made up of over 40 Porter pilots, from new Dash 8 First Officers to senior E2 Captains, along with several Direct Entry E2 Pilots. Our OC includes members from each of our six bases.

In this post we will dive a bit deeper into ALPA (Air Line Pilots Association) and its history so that you, our fellow Porter Pilots, can understand why we feel it would be a good fit for us. 

ALPA’s slogan has been “Advancing Aviation Safety and Security since 1931", and with good reason. ALPA is the largest pilot union in the world, representing more than 78,000 pilots at 41 US and Canadian Airlines. ALPA provides three critical services to its members: Airline safety, Security, and Pilot Assistance; representation; and advocacy. For a detailed breakdown of the different ways that ALPA serves its pilots, check out this pamphlet.

ALPA uses unbiased, fact-based evaluation of airline safety and security issues to ensure that the airline industry remains safe. It represents pilots’ views to decision-makers, including the US Congress and the Canadian federal government. ALPA’s pilot groups have negotiated hundreds of contracts with airlines. You can read more about ALPA’s history here: https://www.alpa.org/about-alpa/our-history

ALPA has a long history of working alongside federal agencies both in the US and Canada to improve aviation safety. Many modern safety systems which are now considered industry standard have been implemented following continued advocacy from ALPA. These include: Weather radar, takeoff warning systems, TCAS, ADS-B, EFBs, MELs, fire resistant cabin materials, windshear protection equipment (and windshear avoidance training), RNAV and RNP approaches, grooved runways, stricter LAHSO regulations, standardization of airport signage, and PAPI and VASI systems.

ALPA plays a role in improving safety and security through evidence based data on fatigue rules and more. For a recent example, take the latest industry discussion of potential single pilot operations — ALPA has been a strong advocate for “Two Pilots on The Flight Deck”. You can read the full report here: https://www.alpa.org/-/media/ALPA/Files/pdfs/news-events/white-papers/white-paper-reduced-crew-operations.pdf?la=en 

Your fellow OC members believe that by joining ALPA we will be able to contribute to improving overall aviation safety, while also reinforcing our level of professionalism by standing in solidarity with our colleagues at other airlines. Through open communication and a strong working relationship with the Company, we will be able to secure a proper industry contract that will benefit us all. 

Safe Flying. 

In Solidarity,

Porter Pilots for Change Organizing Committee 


Five Critical Vulnerabilities


Welcome to Summer!